एउटा सर्ट मुभीको चर्चा
Green: It was so challenging, I have to say, and all the boys that you see in the African schoolhouse were boys that we had met originally for Joseph, and we had met tens and tens of more boys, looking for exactly what you just said, which is that expressive face. He literally has four lines of dialogue and three of them are one word, so we were really reaching out to different community groups in Ireland, because as you can imagine, those boys in the African schoolhouse are real versions of Joseph. They are boys that often have just moved to the country, so not a lot of them have signed up on the casting agents' roster. We went far and wide, and in the end, we were also communicating with casting people in London and Scotland and other places. We found Tunji, because he had been sort of discovered by a casting agent when he opened the movie "Casino Royale." He runs in the militia scene and he runs to his father with two bottles of Coca-Cola; his part was the "Coca-Cola Kid." He had been identified by someone and we benefited from that. It's just his little head bobbing on the screen and he opens the film. He was absolutely the most wonderful child. His mother is Gambian and his father is from Sierra Leon, so he was familiar with varying accents, and that was what he used when he spoke, but once the camera cut, he had a strong East London accent. (In a strong East London accent) "Is that alright, Steph?" We're hoping that he's going to be joining us for the Oscars, and I'm very excited for him to be my date.
आइरिस लेखक रुड्डी दोय्लेको कथामा स्टेफ ग्रीनले निर्देशन गरेको एउटा कालो बर्णको बच्चाको कथा हो, न्यु व्वाइ | २००९ को अन्त्यतिर तयार भएको यो चलचित्र यु ट्युबमा निशुल्क उपलब्ध छ | यो सामग्री तयार पार्दासम्म यु ट्युबमा १८ लाख २८ हजार भन्दा बढी पटक हेरिसकिएको छ | हामी मध्ये धेरैले पनि यो चलचित्र पहिले नै हेरिसकेका हुन सक्छौ तर हामी मध्ये धेरैले अहिलेसम्म नहेरेका पनि हुन सक्छौ | मेरो व्यक्तिगत कुरा गर्नुपर्दा मैले झन्डै एक बर्ष पहिले यो चलचित्र हेरेको थिए तर आजसम्म पनि यो चलचित्रका दृश्यहरु मनमा स्पष्ट छन् | चलचित्रको जोसेफको शिर्ष भूमिका निर्बाह गर्ने ओलुतुंजी कोलको अभिनय जीवन्त छ | जोसेफको शिर्ष भूमिकामा कसरी छनोट गरियो भन्ने सन्दर्भमा निर्देशक ग्रीन येसो भन्छिन
Q.The young actor who plays Joseph, we don't really hear him talk very much and he has a very expressive face. I was curious how you went about finding him.

source: commingsoon.net
photo source: filmmakermagazine.com
आउनुहोस हेरौ यु ट्युबमा उपलब्ध ११ मिनेट लामो यो सर्ट मुभी "New Boy"
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